Termini e Condizioni

This statement regarding the privacy policy and the protection of your personal data (called Privacy Policy or Privacy Statement) will enable you to learn how Youroom s.r.l. uses and manages the information you provide, your personal data and any sensitive data which will be collected by the website www.youroom.com in order to be able to offer the services you require.

Following the procedures provided by the website through which the user can communicate with Youroom s.r.l. providing their personal data (hereinafter generically called “contact modes”). Later in this document, it describes in detail the individual contact modes.

This statement will also explain your options and rights regarding the data provided, without which Youroom s.r.l. may be unable, in part or entirely, to offer you its services.

This statement also draws on Recommendation no. 2/2001 which the European Authorities for the protection of personal data, in the Working Group established by Article 29 of Directive no. 95/46/CE, adopted on 17 May 2001 to determine some minimum requirements regarding the collection of personal data online, and, in particular, the methods, timeframes and nature of the information that data controllers must provide to users when they connect to websites, regardless of their reasons for connecting.

Any form of reproduction in whole or in part of the content of this document is prohibited.

Statement regarding the processing of personal data as per article 13 of italian legislative decree 196/2003 as amended
We wish to inform you that Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 (“Regulations on the protection of personal data” or “Privacy Code”) provides for and ensures the right to the protection of personal data that are subject to processing by third parties by virtue of the principle that everyone has the right to the protection of their personal data and to have that data processed in compliance with fundamental rights and freedoms, with respect for the dignity of the interested party, in particular with regards to confidentiality and personal identity.

For the purposes of this statement and in accordance with the privacy code, the following are defined as:

  • “form”, indicates the interface of a website or application that allows the user to enter and send one or more data to the web server;
  • “processing”, any operation or group of operations, performed with or without the aid of electronic instruments, regarding the collection, recording, organisation, storage, referencing, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, association, blocking, transmission, circulation, deletion and destruction of data, whether or not they are recorded in a database;
  • “personal data”, any information regarding an individual who has been or may be identified, directly or indirectly, through a reference to any other information, included therein a personal identification number;
  • “identifying data”, personal data that enable the interested party to be directly identified;
  • “sensitive data”, personal data capable of revealing one’s racial and ethnic origin; religious, philosophical or other such beliefs; political opinions; connection to political parties, unions, associations or organisations of a religious, philosophical, political or union-related nature; as well as personal data capable of revealing one’s health conditions or sexual activity;
  • “controller”, the individual, legal entity, public administration or any other entity, association or organisation responsible for decisions, whether alone or with another controller, regarding the aims and methods for processing the personal data and the instruments used, included therein the security profile;
  • “data processor”, the individual, legal entity, public administrator or any other entity, association or organisation appointed by the controller to process the personal data;
  • “persons in charge of processing”, the individuals authorized by the controller or data manager to process data;
  • “interested party”, the individual to whom the personal data refer;
  • “communication”, making the personal data known to one or more parties determined to be different from the interested party, the controller’s representative on State territory, the data processor and the persons in charge of processing, in any form, including making them available or referencing them;
  • “circulation”, making the personal data known to unspecified parties, in any form, including making them available or referencing them;
  • “anonymous data”, data which originally, or after processing, cannot be associated with an interested party that has been or may be identified;
  • “blocking”, storing personal data while temporarily suspending any further processing;
  • “database”, any organized grouping of personal data, divided into one or more units in one or more locations;
  • “Authority”, the privacy authority as per Article 153, established by Italian Law no. 675 of 31 December 1996;
  • “minimum requirements”, the whole of the technical, computerized, organisational, logistical and procedural security measures that set the minimum level of protection required in regards to the risks provided for by Article 31 of the Italian Privacy Code;

In compliance with the aforementioned regulations and principles, the processing that we will perform on the data you provide us will be characterized by principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency, and will be carried out with due regard for the principle of need in data processing: our systems and computer programmes will be set up so that the use of personal and identifying data is reduced to a minimum, so as to prevent processing when the pursued goals, in each individual case, can be achieved using anonymous data and appropriate methods that enable you to be identified only when necessary, respectively.

Controller of the personal data
Youroom s.r.l.

Youroom s.r.l.
Via del Babuino 36
00187 Roma
C.F. e P.IVA 14863771003
R.E.A. RM-1552461
Capitale sociale € 10.000,00 i.v.
PEC: you-room@legalmail.it

Information collected by the website www.youroom.info and therefore by Youroom s.r.l.
While using the website www.youroom.info you will be given the chance to contact Youroom s.r.l. electronically and non-electronically.
Regarding the information that may be requested of you or that will be voluntarily provided, we wish to inform you that the provision of data may be optional in some cases and in others, however, required; and in such cases, any refusal to provide such data could prevent the operation from being carried out in part or entirely.
The data processing may also regard personal data that in some countries fall under the category of “sensitive data” as defined above; consequently, ##1## will adopt all the due caution and measures required by the privacy code.

Below we listed the contact modes through which the website www.youroom.com may collect your personal information or through whom you may contact him directly Youroom s.r.l. providing the same personal data. Such information can be obtained directly from the website www.youroom.info through services prepared and managed directly by Youroom s.r.l. or acquired from third-party services. For each contact modes below information detailed in order to point who acquires your information, what are the purposes for which they are collected and, in the case of transfer to third parties, it will report the possible categories of third parties to whom the data will be transferred.